Dio kuollut?


Sitkeitä huhuja liikkunut laulajan poismenosta.Virallista tietoa ei vissiin ole?
Kyllä se vähän nyt siltä näyttäis...

Message from Wendy Dio
Today my heart is broken, Ronnie passed away at 7:45am 16th May. Many, many friends and family were able to say their private good-byes before he peacefully passed away. Ronnie knew how much he was loved by all. We so appreciate the love and support that you have all given us. Please give us a few days of privacy to deal with this terrible loss. Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever.

- Wendy Dio
Message from Wendy Dio

Today my heart is broken, Ronnie passed away at 7:45am 16th May. Many, many friends and family were able to say their private good-byes before he peacefully passed away. Ronnie knew how much he was loved by all. We so appreciate the love and support that you have all given us. Please give us a few days of privacy to deal with this terrible loss. Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever.

- Wendy Dio

Kova menetys maailmalle.
You're a dancer
But you're dancing on air
Just a matter of time till you fall

You're a dreamer
One night at the fair
But still you want it all

You're in danger
The last of a line
But the vision lasts forever

So just hold on
You can make it happen for you
Reach for the stars and you will fly

You're Hungry for Heaven
Hungry for Heaven
Hungry for Heaven
But you need a little hell

You're a runner
But you're chasing yourself
Feel the hot breath on your shoulder

You're emotion
Running cold running warm
The young just getting older

We are sunlight
We can sparkle and shine
And our dreams are what we're made of

So just hold on
You can make it happen for you
Reach for the stars and you will fly

You're Hungry for Heaven
Hungry for Heaven
Hungry for Heaven
But you need a little hell

- Ronnie James Dio -

R.I.P. yksi parhaista on poistunut takavasemmalla suuremmille areenoille. Mies joka antoi aina kaikkensa ja jonka biisit jäävät elämään ikuisesti! Siinä oli pieni mies täynnä metallia ja rokkenrollia!!! Long Live Rock 'n' Roll!
Kiitokset näistä 35 vuodesta, jotka sain kanssasi viettää. Homma alkoi siitä, kun 12-vuotiaana isompien kavereiden kanssa kuunneltiin juuri kaupasta ostettua RAINBOW´n uutuussingleä Man on The Silver Mountain/Snake Charmer ja ihmeteltiin, kuka tämä laulaja oikein oli. Keikoilla on tullut käytyä vuodesta 1984 lähtien (myös -83 HD-kiertueelle oli lippu, mutta sairaala voitti sillä kertaa) yhteensä 17 kertaa. Pariin otteeseen on tavattu ja mukavampaa miestä ei varmasti voi ollakaan. AINA löytyi faneille aikaa, vaikka herralla itsellään olisikin ollut "huono päivä".


and he´s bying a stairway to heaven
When there's lightning - it always bring me down
Cause it's free and I see that it's me
Who's lost and never found
I cry for magic - I feel it dancing in the light
But it was cold - I lost my hold
To the shadows of the night

There's no sign of the morning coming
You've been left on your own
Like a Rainbow in the Dark

Do your demons - do they ever let you go
When you've tried - do they hide -deep inside
Is it someone that you know
You're a picture - just an image caught in time
We're a lie - you and I
We're words without a rhyme

There's no sign of the morning coming
You've been left on your own
Like a Rainbow in the Dark

When there's lightning - it always brings me down
Cause it's free and I see that it's me
Who's lost and never found
Feel the magic -feel it dancing in the air
But it's fear - and you'll hear
It calling you beware

There's no sign of the morning coming
There's no sight of the day
You've been left on your own
Like a Rainbow in the Dark

Legenda levätköön rauhassa. Kaikki kunnia Diolle.

Kerran ehtiin nähdä livenä, enkä vaihtais sitä mihinkään.
Sinne meni suuri pieni mies. Mutta onneksi musiikki jää elämään. RIP.
Surullinen uutinen.
Dio elää silti aina.