Onko olemassakaan sellaista kuin yleinen sointi-ihanne audiolaitteissa. Tämä sitaatti näyttäisi sotivan sellaista vastaan:
"Brain scans have confirmed this and have shown that there is no single area of the brain labelled “music”. Rather, in musical appreciation diverse areas of the brain are called upon: the auditory cortex for tones, the right temporal lobe for timbre, the parietal lobe for rhythm, the planum temporale for pitch and melody, the limbic system for emotion. Few of us know where any of these brain regions actually are, but that doesn’t matter: where music is concerned, the brain is like one of those old phrenologist’s skulls, each area labelled with a different aspect of musical appreciation."
Yhtäältä kuin meillä on joihinkin aivotoimintoihin muita suurempi taipumus (lahjakkuus), niin saatamme arvottaa eri musiikin osa-alueita jo ihan biologisista syistä.
Koko artikkeli: http://www.gramophone.net/Issue/Page/December+2008/46/999328
"Brain scans have confirmed this and have shown that there is no single area of the brain labelled “music”. Rather, in musical appreciation diverse areas of the brain are called upon: the auditory cortex for tones, the right temporal lobe for timbre, the parietal lobe for rhythm, the planum temporale for pitch and melody, the limbic system for emotion. Few of us know where any of these brain regions actually are, but that doesn’t matter: where music is concerned, the brain is like one of those old phrenologist’s skulls, each area labelled with a different aspect of musical appreciation."
Yhtäältä kuin meillä on joihinkin aivotoimintoihin muita suurempi taipumus (lahjakkuus), niin saatamme arvottaa eri musiikin osa-alueita jo ihan biologisista syistä.
Koko artikkeli: http://www.gramophone.net/Issue/Page/December+2008/46/999328